The nationwide “Nature Park Schools” introduce students to nature parks as diverse places of learning and experience, sensitize them to the special features of their homeland, enable a regional reference to educational plans as well as the original experience of nature and culture in the school environment and provide a contribution Contribute to education for sustainable development (ESD). And by the way, they're just a lot of fun!
“Nature Park School” – what is that?
Nature Park School
in the Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park
In 2022, the Kellerwald Edersee Nature Park also began its first cooperation with the primary school in Lichtenfels-Goddelsheim in order to carry out the educational measures required by the Association of German Nature Parks. The aim of the measures is to certify and award the school as a “Nature Park School”. The educational programs are provided by Nature park guides (certified nature and landscape guides) and on various content in the area around the school and other locations.
The following programs are currently being implemented (selection):
The soil is alive! Anywhere in nature? (alternatively: the forest floor is alive!)
Water, the origin of life – a river study
Trees – experience with all your senses
Always follow your nose – the small world of insects
The Arche region – agriculture and more in harmony with nature
The content of the programs is adapted to the children's level of knowledge and is constantly updated. Teachers’ wishes are also taken into account.
There are other bookable offers for school classes as part of environmental education here.
Our first nature park school: Goddelsheim-Eppe primary school
Our first nature park school was certified in March 2024. Over a period of around two years, various activities and projects were carried out with the children and teachers and a concept was developed. Nature and environmental topics became an integral part of everyday school life.
Is this also something for the school I work at or run?
We will then be happy to provide information materials and price lists, either digitally or in print, as desired. If you are interested, we are also happy to be available personally and come to the school to inform you about the project. Of course, we also welcome interested parties in our office.
How much does this cost for my school class?
Our nature park guides work on a voluntary basis and receive compensation for their work. For this reason, our programs are chargeable, but we grant discounts as part of the project so that the events can be offered at a reasonable price.
We look forward to receiving calls to make an appointment!
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