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Herausgeber: Kartographische Kommunale Verlagsgesellschaft mbH<\/p>\n
ISBN 978-3-86973-189-6<\/p>"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"TourMoreInfos_additionalInformation","value":"Dieser Rundweg ist vollständig markiert."},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"teaser","value":"Route 1 ist etwa 8 Kilometer lang und führt entlang eines Baches durch die weiten Wälder am 636 Meter Hohen Lohr auf dem Tischbeinweg bis nach Haina."},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"teaser","value":"Route 1 ist etwa 8 Kilometer lang und führt entlang eines Baches durch die weiten Wälder am 636 Meter Hohen Lohr auf dem Tischbeinweg bis nach 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Start: Hohes Lohr hiking car park, (Battenhausen, Haina) Goal: Hohes Lohr hiking car park, (Battenhausen, Haina) light 8,87 km 2 hrs 15 mins 229 m 548 m 322 m 60 / 100 20 / 100 Best Season
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep October Nov Dec Route 1 is about 8 kilometers long and leads along a stream through the vast forests of the 636-meter-high Lohr on the Tischbeinweg to Haina.
Route 1 is about 8 kilometers long and leads along a stream through the vast forests of the 636-meter-high Lohr on the Tischbeinweg to Haina. The Cistercian monastery complex, which dates back to the 13th century, is now a center for social psychiatry. The monastery church is worth seeing. We go back past Dielenberg and Kleiner Keppelberg.
Unknown (8%) Asphalt (12%) gravel (75%) hiking trail (4%)
© Karuna Eckel, Edersee | Deine Region: wild, bunt, gesund.
© Karuna Eckel, Edersee | Deine Region: wild, bunt, gesund.
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starting point Hohes Lohr hiking car park, (Battenhausen, Haina)
target point Hohes Lohr hiking car park, (Battenhausen, Haina)
safety instructions The circular hiking trail leads, among other things, through forests and open terrain. There may occasionally be trees and branches on the path. Use of the hiking trail is at your own risk. You should not attempt this hiking trail in strong winds, heavy rain or snowfall. Your cell phone may not have reception everywhere. Equipment You are well equipped with sturdy shoes, rain protection, food and a map.
Author's tip The construction of the monastery church in Haina began as early as 1216. However, the entire complex was only completed 112 years later and is still very well preserved today.
Directions Haina (monastery) and its districts can be easily reached via the following roads:
A 44 (exit no. 64, Diemelstadt)
A 49 (exit no. 16, Borken)
and the federal highways B 252 and B 3
Parking Hohes Lohr hiking car park.
The hiking parking spaces in the Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park are generally free of charge.
Public transportation Nearest bus stop/s: Haina-Battenhausen Mitte
Line/s: 544, 543, AST587.5
All connections including AST-Taxi connections can be found on the NVV timetable information www.nvv.de/fahrplanauskunft or found out via the NVV mobile app.
Cards Kellerwald-Edersee cycling and hiking map, 5th edition (1:33.000)
Publisher: Kartografie Kommunale Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
ISBN 978-3-86973-189-6
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