Circular route 2 leads over a total length of around 6 kilometers initially through fields uphill towards Alte Koppe. Once you have reached the forest, the “Bernertsgrund bei Löhlbach” nature reserve begins.
Circular route 2 leads over a total length of around 6 kilometers initially through fields uphill towards Alte Koppe. Once you have reached the forest, the “Bernertsgrund bei Löhlbach” nature reserve begins. Along the small low mountain stream there is an ash-alder floodplain forest with blue monkshood as the mountain perennial. Dippers, gray wagtails and fish such as brown trout, bullheads and the bitterling, which is protected throughout Europe, feel at home here. Larvae of the fire salamander can also be discovered. In summer, the croaking of common toads and common frogs can be heard from the pond. Past a flower-filled meadow, we continue up the Kleine Aschkoppe through old beech forests. The path returns over its 606 meter high summit through the Bernert valley, which is characterized by meadows. Löhlbach then invites you to a hearty vespers.